One of Colorado’s fastest growing shooting schools
FAST is an organization whose purpose is to instill Firearm Accuracy Safety and Training through knowledge and a proper attitude. By generating enthusiasm for the shooting sports, we hope to bring families together for fun and enjoyment creating a new generation of shooters and hunters to support our 2nd Amendment Rights.
With the Experience of hundreds of years, FAST instructors have backgrounds in all disciplines of the shooting sports.
All of our instructors are NRA certified instructors or Training Counselors certified in a wide variety of disciplines. Our Training Counselors teach other instructors.
FAST offers many services in addition to available classes. Services include:
• Personal coaching to enhance your shooting skills.
• Ability to test fire different calibers of firearms.
• Assistance in selecting the correct firearm for your specific need.
• A full line of holsters, conceal carry purses, cleaning products, scopes, reloading supplies, and accessories for all of your shooting needs.
FAST has plans in the works to add many more items and services in the future so stay tuned for more updates..